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Our Energy Solutions will help you reduce your fuel bills.

Biomass Briquettes

Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquettes are a biofuel substitute made of biodegradable green waste with lower emissions of greenhouses gases and carbon dioxide then traditional

Advantages of Biomass Briquettes

Unlike coal, briquettes are renewable sources of energy. Much more environmentally friendly when compared to coal. No residue or waste while burning briquettes. The burning of briquettes is more uniform as briquettes are more volatile as compared to other traditional fuels.

What are the properties of biomass briquettes?

The moisture content is essential condition for secure pressing process of biomass. As another essential property of briquettes appear to be mechanical resistance which is important from the perspective of transportation and handling and prevents separation of fine particles to dangerous quantity (danger of explosion).

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Use of Briquettes In Various Industries

The moisture content is essential condition for secure pressing process of biomass. As another essential property of briquettes appear to be mechanical resistance which is important from the perspective of transportation and handling and prevents separation of fine particles to dangerous quantity (danger of explosion).

  • Gasifier System Applications
  • Ceramic Industries
  • Spinning Mill
  • Lamination Industries
  • Leather Industries
  • Brick Making Units
  • Rubber Industries
  • Any Industrial Thermal Application
  • Power Plant
  • Food Industry